Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

The Patient participation Group is made up of patients who meet on a regular basis to feed back ways that we can improve our service and examine the way patients perceive our surgeries and staff.

To this end the group have met and agreed the contents of a satisfaction survey that will be issued in the near future.

The Patient Participation Group is open to any interested patients.  If you are keen to join  please contact the practice manager via

We also have a Virtual Patient Representation Group so that you can have your say via email. We will ask the members of this representative group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link below to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.

a group of people looking at each other

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please email via to provide your consent for this.

Next meeting date

We are excited to announce our PPG meeting for 2023 will be held on Thursday 14th of September. If you wish to join us please register your details using the links above and we will send you over further details.